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How to Solve Bootstrap Tooltip disappearing inside a updatepanel control when a button is click or in postback in ASP.NET ill like to share how to keep bootstrap tooltip from disappearing inside a updatepanel. 1st always use  if (!Page.IsPostBack) { } on page_load if you are using a UpdatePanel in asp website/application. Ok lets add a UpdatePanel with two HTML input control and a Button.  <asp:UpdatePanel ID="up_save" runat="server">                                                             <ContentTemplate>                                             ...

Call any JS Function from code in ASP.NET C# ill share  how to call any js function from code in asp. Sample js code:  <script type="text/javascript">   function success() {             PNotify.prototype.options.styling = "bootstrap3";             PNotify.prototype.options.styling = "jqueryui";             PNotify.prototype.options.styling = "fontawesome";             new PNotify({                 title: 'INFORMATION',                 type: 'info',                 text: 'Item Retrieved Successfully.',          ...

Show Bootstrap Popup Modal from inside a Repeater in Asp.Net

Today ill show you how to add Bootstrap Popup Modal from inside a Repeater in Asp.Net. I feel AJAX Popup Modal is too 'heavy'! so i have found a way to use Bootstrap Popup Modal instead. Hope you guys like it..!! Add a Repeater control and bind it to a DataSource of your choice :   <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server">                                                             <ItemTemplate>                                               ...

Show Bootstrap popup Modal from code in Asp.Net C#

Hi, today ill show to how to show Bootstrap Popup Modal from code in asp. Here is a sample modal <div id="your_modal_name" class="modal fade animated" role="dialog">                                                                     <div class="modal-dialog">                                                                  ...

How to Upload Image to DB in SQL

Follow the steps below to upload Image to SQL in your Asp.Net website 1) Create a Table in you DB. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CustomerDetails] (     [ID]           INT            IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,     [CustomerName] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,     [ Address ] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,       [Latitude]     FLOAT (53)     NULL,     [Longitude]    FLOAT (53)     NULL,     [Image]        IMAGE          NULL,     CONSTRAINT [PK_CustomerDetails] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ID] ASC) ); 2) Create a new application. Add a FileUpload Control A Button. 3) In your Button click event  paste the code below. try    ...

How to show multiple markers on Google maps from database in ASP.Net

A simple way to show multiple markers on Google maps from database in ASP.Net using SQL and Repeater. Follow the steps below: 1) Create a Table in you DB. CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CustomerDetails] (     [ID]           INT            IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,     [CustomerName] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,     [ Address ] NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL,       [Latitude]     FLOAT (53)     NULL,     [Longitude]    FLOAT (53)     NULL,     [Image]        IMAGE          NULL,     CONSTRAINT [PK_CustomerDetails] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([ID] ASC) ); 2) HTML Markup and Google Maps Scripts <script src="